Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Power Creates Wealth

“Whatever gifts we have is embedded within our spiritual, physical and mental abilities.”

                                                              READ: Deuteronomy 8:18                                                                                                               

By Ben Dankaka

Moses had advised the Israelites to acknowledge God because it is He who gives power to get wealth. What sort of power was Moses referring to? In the New International Version (NIV) of the same verse, the word, “power” is replaced with “ability”. Which means, God is the One who gives us the ability to produce wealth. But the power or ability that God has given us isn’t a magical or mythical power. In essence, the power we have consists of our mental, physical and spiritual gifts. There’s no any other power. 

So, wealth is produced through the effective use of these THREE God-given abilities, which is demonstrated through skill or talent. Those who have attained power and influence had to rely on their mental, physical or spiritual gifts. Therefore, the use or abuse of these gifts is what determines our success in life. All of the things you have achieved so far and the things you will ever achieve in this life are connected to these three abilities. Therefore, the power that enable us succeed is originally God made; not self-made.  When you recognize this power and then learn how to use it, you will succeed in every endeavor. 

Prayer/Confession: LORD, show me how to create wealth with the power you’ve given me. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Genesis 1:26-28

Exodus 4:10-12

Daniel 2:21

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