Monday, January 4, 2021

Until You're Tested


Until You’re Tested


Your achievements are the things that draw people to you.


By Ben Dankaka



Too often, we want to be celebrated the moment we start pursing our dreams. You may have a great project in mind; you may have an idea that could make you and others rich, but if the idea is still in your head, people aren’t going to support you as you would expect them to do because people are more interested in what you have done than in what you intend to do. Several years ago, when I told people I wanted to start an NGO, I didn’t get the support I needed. Within the first few months, my volunteers abandoned my project when they didn’t see any meaningful results. At that time, the ideas I had about the project was inside my head and I couldn’t convince others that it was profitable. Later, when my project was selected and honored with an award, people began to show interest in the project.