Friday, January 14, 2022

Victory Without Injuries


“While we can overcome certain challenges with our willpower, such victories don’t often come without bruises.”

KEY VERSE: 2 Chronicles 14:11-12


Written By Ben Dankaka

One day as Jesus entered the synagogue, he was suddenly confronted by a demon possessed man. As soon as the demon inside the man recognized Jesus, it cried out. To shut the demon, Jesus commanded it to come out of the man. As is always the case, the demon complied but in the process of leaving, it drew the man on the floor. Interestingly, even though the evil spirit flung the man, it came out without injuring him. That is, the violent fall didn’t cause any injury on the man’s body. It was a case of victory without injuries.

Life can overwhelm us with tough challenges. While we can overcome certain challenges with our willpower, such victories don’t often come without “bruises”. Instead of using your own intelligence to address certain problems, sometimes, it is wiser to seek Heaven’s help. Imagine what would have happened if the man with the evil spirit had tried to discharge the demon with his willpower. For sure, the demon wouldn’t have surrendered without a vicious fight. But thank God, when Jesus came, the man was delivered without a scratch. To win your battles without injuries, ask God to help you. 

Prayer/Confession:  Lord Jesus, my eyes are on you. Fix me. Amen.


    All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

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