Monday, January 17, 2022

Overcome Fear


“To overcome any crisis, you must first of all, eliminate your fears.”


KEY VERSE: Psalm 34:4

Written By Ben Dankaka

The crises in our lives hurts. But sometimes, it is the not the crises that hurts us the most but the fear of it. I remember when my mum was ill and I had to take care of her, at a point, my health begun to fail as my blood pressure became so high. My doctor warned me that I was going to have a stroke if I didn’t relax. I discovered that what made me hypertensive overnight wasn’t caused by anything else other than the fear of losing my mother. So, I know exactly what fear can do to anyone in times of crisis.

In times of crises, the devil often uses “fear” as a weapon. To overcome any crisis, you must first of all, eliminate your fears. Unfortunately, fear isn’t something you can eliminate with a drug. To overcome fear, fill your mind with God’s word. In Isaiah 43, God said to His people, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you.” Then He said, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you” One remarkable thing about God is that He may not always prevent crisis from hitting us. But whenever we are hit by crisis, He rescues us.

Prayer/Confession:  The Lord is my Redeemer. Therefore, I shall not be afraid. Amen.


All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

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