Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Things of God - Part One


“For every pain that life brings your way, God turns it into a gain.”

KEY VERSE: Hebrews 12:11

Written By Ben Dankaka

When Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer many things and “must be killed and after three days rise again”, they probably wondered why He said that. Here was a leader who had performed miracles. He had been preaching about this great kingdom which they all thought will take them to a new level. Now He was telling them He would suffer many things and be killed. Peter had immediately rejected the prophecy. But Jesus said to him, “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” In other words, Jesus made Peter realize that His imminent suffering and death was part of God’s plan.

Christ’s prophecy about Himself isn’t just about the suffering He had to experience. Most importantly, it also gives us a deep insight into how God operates. It is important for us to realize that God often takes advantage of the troubles that Satan throws our way. For every pain that life brings your way, God turns it into a gain. So, Peter shouldn’t have bothered about Christ’s death. Rather, he should have focused on His resurrection. Today, focus on how your life will be when the storm is over.

Prayer/Confession:  Father, I know you will turn my pain into gain. Amen. 


   All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

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