Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Things of God - Part Two


“To gain anything worthwhile, be prepared to go through pain.”

KEY VERSE: James 1:12

Written By Ben Dankaka 

When Jesus began to teach about His suffering and death, His disciples were troubled. Peter in particular, was so disturbed to the extent that he missed the better part of that prophecy. Although Jesus had said He would rise after three days, Peter ignored that part and instead, focused on the suffering and death. Possibly, what Peter had expected to hear was that Jesus would be a king in Israel, establish His earthly kingdom and then appoint his disciples as Governors. In other words, Peter wanted Jesus to enjoy a smooth ride to the top.

Peter acted like most of us usually do. Most people like to think of life as easy and blissful, all the time. So, we expect ourselves and our loved ones to succeed without going through hard times. For that reason, we prefer to surround ourselves with people who would tell us nice things about our future. No doubt, God wants us to enjoy the nice things of life. He also wants us to succeed in whatever we lay our hands to do. But He never promised anyone a life without hurdles. To gain anything worthwhile in life, be prepared to go through some pain.

Prayer/Confession:  Father, strengthen me as I pass through the storms of life. Amen. 


 All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

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