Sunday, January 31, 2021

Forget the Past


God is about to do a new thing in your life.



 By Ben Dankaka

After the Babylonian exile, God said to the people of Judah, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past”. For the people, that was not an easy thing to do. These were people who had been banished from their kingdom. Many of them had lost everything they owned. These were bitter experiences that were unforgettable. Yet, God wanted them to forget the past because that was the only way they could move forward. So after telling the people to forget the past, God went on to say, “See, I am doing a new thing!”

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Becoming a Problem Solver


The challenges before you aren’t unsolvable.


By Ben Dankaka

To become an effective leader, you must be a problem solver. All of the most notable leaders in the Bible were chosen by God to solve problems. God didn’t call anyone unless there was a problem to solve. When God created Adam and Eve, He needed someone like Him to rule the earth. When God called Noah, He needed him to build an ark. When He called Abraham, God wanted to establish a righteous nation. When God called Joseph, He needed a man who could solve an economic crisis. When God met Moses, it was to solve a problem of slavery.

Friday, January 29, 2021

What Lies Within You


Get up and activate the greatness within you.


By Ben Dankaka

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” To put it another way, our circumstances are not as big as the greatness that is hidden within us. When Emerson made that remark he was possibly talking about our ability to triumph in the midst of challenges. Though we are often surrounded by challenges, within us, lays the power to prevail over every negative situation.  Throughout history, we’ve continually seen individuals who did remarkable things in the midst of challenges. But because they are few, we often think they were specially created by God.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Stay Focused


To fulfill any leadership task, stay focused on the big picture.


By Ben Dankaka

"Master," John said, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us”. John was probably trying to protect the integrity of his Master. But Christ had a different opinion. Jesus said, "Do not stop him”. John must have been an overprotective apostle because moments after that incident, he and his brother, James wanted to call fire down from heaven to destroy a Samaritan village because they did not welcome Jesus. Again, Christ rebuked his disciples.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Premature Celebrity

Stay close to God.



By Ben Dankaka


After David killed Goliath, news about him spread. People were amazed at the way he killed an armed giant with a stone. And as David’s fame grew, some women popped up with a praise song that placed him above his master, King Saul. Because of that song, David had to run for his life. But the negative impact of the women’s song extended to other kingdoms. When David sought refuge in king Achish’s kingdom, his servants reminded him that he was dealing with a man whom they sang about. To save his life, David pretended he was mad whenever he was with king Achish.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Stay there!


God asked him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”



By Ben Dankaka

After winning the prayer contest against the prophets of Baal, Elijah inspired a revival. When the Israelites saw how God responded to Elijah’s sacrifice they immediately repented. Elijah had seized that moment and ordered the killing of the prophets of Baal. Moments later, just as Elijah had prophesied, Israel had a heavy rain, after over three years of drought. But just as Elijah was about to celebrate, he found himself, once again in the wilderness, when he received a death threat from Jezebel. While he was on exile, Elijah became depressed and even prayed that God would take his own life. But as he rested in a cave, God asked him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Monday, January 25, 2021

God's Will


Pray according to God’s will.


By Ben Dankaka

One of the most powerful prayers in the Bible is the one said by Elijah as at the time of his prayer challenge with the prophets of Baal. The prophets had begun the challenge by praying to their god from morning to evening. They shouted and danced as they asked their god to bring fire on their sacrifice. But despite their loud appeals, nothing happened, even after slashing themselves with swords. When it got to Elijah’s turn, the atmosphere suddenly became calm. Possibly, his prayer didn’t take more than five minutes but the response was instant.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Lack versus Need



God prioritizes our prayer requests according to our needs.


 By Ben Dankaka

Oftentimes, we fail to realize that God doesn’t give us things because we lack them. He gives us things because we need them. You can live without the things you lack. But the things you need are those things that are necessary. Getting those things you need, can be more important than having the things you lack. For instance, you may pray for a car that may not be necessary at a particular time. At that time, the car may simply be a lack and not a need. Later, the same car could become a need in your life. God prioritizes our prayer requests according to our needs.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Sweetest Revenge


Allow God to deal with the enemy.


By Ben Dankaka

There’s a saying that "revenge is a dish best served cold". This statement implies that revenge is more fulfilling when it’s carried out at an unexpected time. I strongly disagree because this statement opposes what the Bible teaches. To take revenge against your enemy is wrong, and the Bible condemns it.  In his letter to the Romans, Paul warns us “not to take revenge”, but “leave room for God’s wrath” (Romans 12:19). That is, we are expected to leave vengeance for God because whoever troubles us is actually fighting God, not us. Allow God to deal with the enemy.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Move on!


Commit to focusing on what you can change, rather than what’s already happened.


By Ben Dankaka 

When Peter told the brethren how the Lord had saved him from death, He said to them, “Tell James and the brothers about this,” and then he left for another place. The scriptures didn’t tell us where he headed to, but we know that Peter move on to another place. In other words, Peter didn’t to hold on to his past. He moved on. Clearly, the main thing on Peter’s mind was how to further his work of spreading the gospel. So he quickly moved out of the city, leaving his past behind.

Thursday, January 21, 2021



You may not know who’s going to be inspired by your testimony.

 By Ben Dankaka

On the night that Peter was rescued by the angel, he went to the house of Mary where the people had gathered to pray for him. Immediately after the angel left him, Peter thought of these people who had been concerned about his situation.  Obviously, he knew they had been praying for him. And since he had been miraculously rescued, He went to them because he wanted to share the good news with them. Peter didn’t think of rushing home to celebrate alone. Instead, the first thing on his mind was to share his testimony with those who stood by him.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Just Follow


Why worry over something that is beyond your control?


 By Ben Dankaka

On the night that Peter that was rescued by the angel of the Lord, he was heavily guarded by armed men. Ordinarily, there was no way Peter could have escaped by his own effort. So he simply slept. Peter probably realized there was no need worrying over something that was beyond his control. As at that moment, Peter wasn’t thinking of freedom. He had resolved to make the best use of that moment by having a good sleep.  So when the angel suddenly struck Peter on the side and woke him up, Peter was dazed. He thought it was a vision.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Prayer works!

 By Ben Dankaka

Prayer works. But it doesn’t always work like a clock. While you can easily predict the hands of a clock, you can’t predict how or when a prayer will be answered. You can glance at a clock and immediately know the exact minutes it will take the hands of the clock to reach the next hour. But you can’t say a prayer and then predict the exact way it will be answered. I’m sure you’ve had incidences where God answered your prayers almost immediately. But then, there must have been times when the answers to your prayers were delayed.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Use the key!


Ask God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.



By Ben Dankaka



Shortly after Herod had James, the brother of John killed; he proceeded and arrested Peter. Herod had decided to kill Peter because he figured it would make the Jews happy. This became a big problem to the Church because Peter was their leader. If he is also executed, then there would be a big vacuum. Since the Church knew they couldn’t physically confront King Herod because of his authority and influence, they resorted to prayers. In other words, they decided to use the master key to overcoming crisis. The scripture says, “The church was earnestly praying to God for him.”

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Master Key


Often, we don’t pray according to God’s will.


By Ben Dankaka


Prayer is the master key to a successful life. Among other benefits, prayer can solve problems that money cannot. If you disagree, please visit any hospital and ask some of the doctors and nurses. I find prayer very vital because it is the one way through which we can build our relationship with God. I got to know more about God and discovered my purpose, through prayers. While prayer has a lot of advantages, it is also important to note that not every prayer is effective. You and I know that we have said certain prayers that God didn’t answer. There are many reasons why some of our prayers turn out to be ineffective. Let me deal with one of them. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus tells us to begin our prayers by aligning God’s will with ours.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Becoming Powerful


God made the earth by His power.


By Ben Dankaka


One thing that is common about every human is the desire to be powerful. Because we want to control others and our circumstances, we crave for power. The quest for power is what makes leaders dominate their followers. But power isn’t a negative thing. It is how we acquire and use power that either makes it good or evil. Actually, we don’t have to oppress people before becoming powerful. Real power comes when you are able to create something or do something new, especially when it has to do with your purpose. The Bible tells us that, “God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.”(Jeremiah 10:12). Again, this point is emphasized in Proverbs 3:19.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Do it yourself


Whatever you can overcome, God will let you handle it.


 By Benjamin Dankaka

Miracles were a vital part of Jesus’ ministry. As He preached the gospel, He often performed miracles. When He left and the Holy Spirit came, His disciples continued His work of performing miracles as they preached the good news. Up until this moment, Christians have been experiencing miracles in their lives. When you read the gospels carefully, you will realize that most of the miracles Jesus performed were caused by an urgent need. For instance, the first miracle – turning of water into wine was done to solve an urgent problem. Also, Christ often performed miracles because of sympathy. Whenever Jesus became sympathetic, know that He was going to perform a miracle.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Best Seller

Don’t try to solve a problem that God has already solved.


By Ben Dankaka

After the kingdom of Israel was divided, the people did more evil than the nations that God had destroyed for their sake. The people worshiped idols, created evil altars and even desecrated God’s temple. But it was obvious that the kings of Israel and Judah didn’t have a clear sense of direction. They only did what they felt was the right thing to do. But as things got from bad to worse, Josiah emerged as king of Judah. Unlike his predecessors, he sought God and introduced some reforms aimed at purifying his country. Under his leadership, the people destroyed the evil altars and began to repair God’s temple. While the repairs were on, Hilkiah, the priest found the Book of the Law. Prior to that time, the Book had been missing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

What Makes People Perish


Many people perish, not because they lack education.


By Ben Dankaka

Self-education is one of the best ways that anyone can use to rise to the top. My emphasis is on anyone. Indeed, anyone, whether rich or poor can rise to the echelon of their careers through self-education. I discovered this a long time ago when I had to study for my senior school certificate examinations. Although, I never attended a class on Christian Religious Studies, I prepared for the exams by reading the recommended books at home. No one tutored me. When the results were out, I got an A1. Ever since, I have relied on self-education. I am not against formal education; I am only trying to say that self-education can benefit everyone, including those who do not have access to quality education.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Overcoming Fear

Fear not, for I have redeemed you.


By Ben Dankaka

Whatever your challenges might be, I know that it can be scary. However, sometimes, it is the not the problems in our lives that hurts us but the fear of the unknown. I remember when my mum was sick and I had to abandon everything I was doing to take care of her, my health also begun to fail as my blood pressure became so high. My doctor warned me that I was going to have a struck if I didn’t work on myself. I discovered that what made me hypertensive overnight was the fear of losing my mother. I couldn’t stop worrying because her condition wasn’t improving despite the medication, and the prayers my siblings and I were saying on her behalf. So I know what fear can do to anyone in times of crisis.

Monday, January 11, 2021

The Things of God - Part Two


God wants us to enjoy all the nice things of life.


By Ben Dankaka


When Jesus began to teach the disciples about his suffering and death, the disciples became troubled. They couldn’t believe their cherished leader would say such negative things about himself. Peter in particular, seemed deeply troubled. He was so disturbed that he missed the better part of that prophecy. Although Jesus had said He would rise after three days, Peter ignored that part and instead, focused on the rejection, suffering and death. He probably wondered how "pain" and "gain" could ever match up. Possibly, what Peter had expected to hear was that Jesus would be a king. He probably thought that Jesus would establish His kingdom and then appoint his disciples as ministers. Peter didn’t want his beloved master to suffer any pain and suffering. He couldn’t bear the thought of seeing his master in a tomb. What Peter wanted was for Jesus to enjoy a smooth ride to the top.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Things of God - Part One


That pain will turn to gain.


By Ben Dankaka

One day, Jesus began to teach His disciples that He would suffer many things and even be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law. Then He also told them He “must be killed and after three days rise again”. This didn’t go down well with the disciples. They probably wondered why Jesus would predict such a disaster on Himself. Here was a leader who had been doing great things before their very eyes. He had been preaching about this great kingdom of God that they believed will take them to a whole new level. Jesus had not only healed the sick but had raised the dead. Having been convinced that He was sent from God, Jesus was now telling them He would suffer many things and even be killed. Peter, the open minded disciple took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him. But Jesus rebuked him also.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Daily Cross


Don’t suffer for the wrong reasons.


By Ben Dankaka


One time, Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Clearly, Jesus wasn’t referring to a physical cross. What He actually meant was the “suffering” He was about to go through. Moments before, Jesus had told his disciples that He would suffer many things, including rejection and death on the cross. But Jesus didn’t mean we would all have to live and die in the same way He did. He didn’t mean that everyone who followed Him would be rejected and be hung on the cross. Specifically, Jesus wanted us to know that we will all face our own troubles as Christians. Though we are bound to suffer, Christ assures us that our suffering will not be in vain. Just as He was raised to life, after His suffering, we too will be raised after our suffering.

Friday, January 8, 2021

When to Give Up


  Just as a lion can be cornered by hyenas, you too can be cornered.


By Ben Dankaka



As a kid, I was often intrigued by fables of how lions subdued other animals. In those days, I heard people compare heroic individuals to lions. So I grew up believing that lions were the greatest animals in the world. But as I grew up, I discovered that what I learned about lions were somewhat exaggerated. Though lions are truly among the strongest animals, they didn’t always have their way. I recall how stunned I was when I saw a video clip of a lion being cornered by Hyenas. Indeed, lions are endowed with strength, but they don’t always win due to certain circumstances beyond their control. I am sure that is one of the points the psalmist was trying to make when he said, “The lions may grow weak and hungry...” Like lions, we often think of ourselves as bold and strong.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Persist, against all odds!


If you are not persistent, setbacks will make you quit.


By Ben Dankaka 


The leader who eventually gets to his destination is the one who remains consistent. To be persistent actually means to keep at it, all the time. In my work on leadership, I’ve learned that leaders are encouraged to be persistent because of the challenges they are bound to face as they pursue their goals. No matter how anointed you are; you are going to incur obstacles along the way. There will be times you wouldn’t feel like getting up from your bed. If you are not persistent, setbacks will make you quit. But when you constantly pursue your goals on a daily basis, the challenges will surely give way. The little steps you take each day will eventually mount up and force its way, pulling you out of your difficulties.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Waiting on God


For men are not cast off by the Lord forever.


By Ben Dankaka


The hymn, “The steadfast love of the Lord” has the popular lyrics; “They are new every morning, new every morning: great is your faithfulness, O Lord”. These words were taken from chapter three of the book of Lamentation. The entire chapter captures the feelings of a man who is going through deep pain. Although the author may be referring to Jerusalem, he personifies his message, making it like the thoughts of a person who was in great affliction. The author is worried that God had driven him away and made him walk in darkness rather than light. God had continually worked against him, to an extent that he now found himself in a situation where he could no longer escape from God’s wrath. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Heaven's Training Camp


Just as we go to school to be trained, God also enrolls us in His training program.


By Ben Dankaka


Joseph was a young man whom God had preordained to be a great leader.  But he was a small Jewish boy who didn’t have the right qualifications. He only knew how to take care of sheep and run errands for his father. Joseph didn’t even have the toughness of a leader because his father pampered him. To prepare him for the opportunity ahead, God had to let him go through some challenges. At first, his brothers sold him into slavery, then his master’s wife framed him and he was sent to jail. But while he was in prison, a situation arose which led to him, fulfilling what God had originally planned for him. When he reunited with his brothers, he didn’t curse them. Instead, he said “God sent me before you”. Joseph had realized he had been a student in God’s training camp, all along.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Until You're Tested


Until You’re Tested


Your achievements are the things that draw people to you.


By Ben Dankaka



Too often, we want to be celebrated the moment we start pursing our dreams. You may have a great project in mind; you may have an idea that could make you and others rich, but if the idea is still in your head, people aren’t going to support you as you would expect them to do because people are more interested in what you have done than in what you intend to do. Several years ago, when I told people I wanted to start an NGO, I didn’t get the support I needed. Within the first few months, my volunteers abandoned my project when they didn’t see any meaningful results. At that time, the ideas I had about the project was inside my head and I couldn’t convince others that it was profitable. Later, when my project was selected and honored with an award, people began to show interest in the project.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Enduring Pain


Don’t try to run away from trials.


Written By Benjamin Dankaka


Job is one of the most inspirational characters in the Bible. When he was prosperous, he stayed faithful to God. When he lost everything, including his children, he remained committed to God. And as he held on, he got discouragements. First, his wife asked him to curse God and die. Then his friends tried to make him think he was suffering for his sins. But Job knew he was innocent. At the same time, He was aware that God wasn’t the architect of his predicaments. But then again, he still couldn’t figure out why he was surrounded by many troubles. What Job didn’t know was that he was going through a test. His trials were intended to test his commitment to doing God’s will. Like Job, maybe you are overwhelmed by the crisis in your life. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

It Begins in the Dark


If life is hitting you with dark experiences; stay strong!


 Written By Benjamin Dankaka

We like to associate ourselves with light because it is one of the most universal and widely accepted symbols. Light is the principal force in the spiritual world. In religion, those who get revelations as a result of their understanding of God's word are seen as the light of the world. In the secular world, light represents knowledge. We like to think of light as the source of goodness and the ultimate symbol of progress. Therefore, light represents leadership because the symbolism of light is used to show direction. We’ve been taught to believe that you cannot advance if you don’t have light. So those who represent light in our lives are seen as leaders. We follow them because they radiate our environment with their light. In other words, they make us see.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Unexpected Trouble



The crisis you’re going through will move you from where you’ve been to the place you ought to be.


                                  Written By Benjamin Dankaka


We don’t have to always blame ourselves for every crisis that shows up in our lives. You don’t have to make mistakes before getting into trouble. A crisis may come into a person’s life in the form of a strange illness through no fault of theirs. Or it may come through a sudden incident that occurred in a person’s business or career. For instance, a fire incident or the sudden death of a colleague or business partner can bring about a crisis. You may also find yourself in a financial crisis because of an economic recession. You are not the reason why your country is in recession, but somehow you are affected by it. So, crises are actually problems that come into our lives unexpectedly. Crises are uninvited troubles. There are times that troubles would meet you even while you were minding your own business.